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ADRIAS VILLA: The Story of a Villa
ADRIAS VILLA: The Story of a Villa
ADRIAS VILLA: The Story of a Villa
ADRIAS VILLA: The Story of a Villa
15 Ιανουαρίου 2024

ADRIAS VILLA: The Story of a Villa

written by Spyros Papalexatos

Entheos Collection

In the last period, several villas have been built on our island. ADRIAS is one of these many, but it stands out with its unique story. A story almost like a fairy tale, however completely true…

It all started in the fifth summer. Yes, it was the fifth consecutive summer that the well-traveled family from Slovenia came to Kefalonia. Having now formed friendly relations with us, who managed their accommodations, they announced that they were seriously thinking that the time had come to acquire their own house on the island.

The logic behind the decision was more emotional than practical. They loved the island, and since every summer, and even during other seasons, they couldn’t stay away from it, they wanted to have their own house, where they could come whenever they had the opportunity.

As tourism professionals, we proposed to design the villa of their dreams and to exploit it through renting it out on the days they would be absent.

Our Slovenian friends mentioned that they are very fond of Zola. The village with its hospitable inhabitants overlooks the magnificent Agia Kiriaki beach, the mountain, and is equidistant from Argostoli and Lixouri, as well as from Assos.

The first concern was to find the right plot of land. The one that stood out with its breathtaking view became apparent through a simple zoom meeting from the plot. When there is goodwill, paths open, magic happens, and they became owners of the plot without even visiting it themselves. The camera and photographs were enough… They trusted us with their first significant decision, and that was the beginning…

The goal was common, to create a villa that our clients would enjoy for years, but also to have an aesthetic impact and to be commercially attractive to the high-end tourist market.

The project included three bedrooms with their en suite bathrooms for the couple and their children, exactly the size of the house with the highest demand from tourism in Kefalonia. We wanted the villa to radiate tranquility, harmony with the natural landscape that surrounds it, to have a sense of comfort, but also of unpretentious luxury. With simplicity and minimalism as an expression of high aesthetics, removing the superfluous.

One of the characteristic elements of this philosophy is the absence of any movable umbrellas around the pool. We managed to have the required shade throughout the day, with the right orientation and the opening and closing pergolas. The pool, with an open Γ-shape, has three infinity sides. The feeling created when someone is inside it is unique. The imprint of the civil engineer Andreas Dembonos and his team is found in every corner of this masterpiece. We used stone, wood, and earthy shades in the interior of the villa, as well as large openings in the frames, to mix the beauty of the external landscape with the interior of the house.

When the time came to name this wonderful villa that was built with so much love, trust, and enthusiasm, we thought of the sea that connects Slovenia with Greece, the Adriatic. Thus, ADRIAS was born…

In the villa’s logo, one can discern the seven waves in the house, each symbolizing the countries that the Adriatic Sea touches between Slovenia and Greece.

We will never forget the day our friends came for the first time to see and stay in ADRIAS VILLA, their new home in Kefalonia. The emotion was strong, and they rewarded our effort with smiles, hugs, and tears of joy, which even we could not hold back.

Since then, ADRIAS VILLA has brought great joy to many. It’s one of those villas that have so much joy in their DNA, that the energy is simply contagious. We feel lucky to be part of its story and look forward to experiencing the next chapters together.

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